like print() or 'p'. displays a message given.
puts "scott scott"
can also print variables like in javascript
puts 7 + 1
can also do subtraction(-), multiplication(*), division(/), and remainders of division(%).
can also combine strings just like is javascript.
puts "gabe" + "elliot"
// or '!--' type command. just puts a comment
# what the patrick
holds a value yada yada
variableName = value OR "value here!"
elliotAge = 16
a variable can only be used after it's defined. flow of execution goes from top to bottom.
teaType = green
puts teaType
teaType = english
puts teaType
the above code would output "green", followed by "english".
x = x + 5 --> x += 5
x = x - 5 --> x -= 5
x = x * 5 --> x *= 5
x = x / 5 --> x /= 5
x = x % 5 --> x %= 5